USTA League Information

With over 300,000 participants annually, USTA League stands as the largest adult competitive tennis league in the United States. It provides an excellent opportunity to stay active, enhance your tennis skills, and compete for a National Championship. If you are passionate about tennis, you will love being a part of a team in USTA League.

League play begins at the local level for players aged 18 and older and is mainly organized based on the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) by age category. The top teams from local leagues have the opportunity to compete in district and/or sectional championships, with sectional winners progressing to the USTA League National Championships.

The availability of league options can differ across the country. USTA sections might also provide additional programs, including combo leagues, which pair players of varying NTRP levels in doubles; tri-level leagues that feature three lines of different NTRP levels; and leagues specifically for players aged 18-39.

S.A.L.T League Information

Shreveport Association of Ladies Tennis offers league tennis at all levels of play. We have five (5) levels: A, AB, B, BC, and C. These rankings help determine what level to select, beginning with the experienced player at A level to beginner play, which is C level.

For more info Visit the SALT Website

B.L.T League Information

Bossier Ladies Tennis is a women's only day league centered out of the Bossier Tennis Center. Teams consist of 6 players who are rated at the same USTA level (2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0) or self-rated using USTA guidelines. Teams play two courts of doubles and may consist of no more than 2 players who are playing at a higher level then their NTRP rating.

For more info visit the BLT Website